Sofa Selection: Seating Comfort at La Maison Interiors

A sofa may be one of the most important furnishings you will purchase! It’s the furnishing that certainly gets a lot of use, particularly if you have a large family or a lot of houseguests. First decide if you prefer a leather or upholstered sofa. If you have pets with claws who might scratch or cause damage you may want to stay away from leather. Should you choose leather, there is a myriad of leather colors and types to choose from. When it comes to upholstery, there is also a myriad of fabrics from which to choose. Many fabrics today are stain resistant and will stand the test of time.

Contemporary sofaSize and height are two important design elements to remember when selecting a sofa. Take a look at functionality for size, and ensure you can sit comfortably with your legs and back in a comfortable position. Sofas are beautifully finished with unique embellishments so you aren’t restricted to placing the sofa against a wall. Placement is important as you take a look at functionality.

Throw pillows with contrasting colors or textures can add a pop of color to the space, and make your sofa even more comfortable to sit on. Some styles are either loose-cushion back, tight back, or pillow back. Decide which style you prefer—tailored or slightly messier, and select a sofa based on the construction of cushions. Your sofa should be comfortable to sit on, for both you and any houseguests. A sofa with spring construction will stand the test of time, much like a bed mattress. Any good designer, sales associate or manufacturer will be able to inform you of all the construction details.


_2_STRATA_2_Contemporary sofa looks are more tailored, and today’s trend calls for a smaller sofa. A great option for a larger room is two smaller sofas, traditionally known as a love seat. If you don’t want an oversized sectional stick with a three-seated sofa. Rest assured, however, that there is a wide selection of traditional, contemporary, and transitional sofas available to suit your needs. Don’t shy away from color, as a bright palate against a neutral base such as grey, beige or black is an opportunity to explore focal points of color in pillows or throws.

uc3536_rsCome visit our showroom at La Maison Interiors in Scottsdale for today’s contemporary sofa designs to help you decide on the perfect addition to your living room. Discuss different ideas with your designer, and invest in a sofa you won’t even want to replace. At La Maison Interiors we have the right ideas to help you find the perfect sofa for your space. Invest in your sofa and you will be pleased to have a furnishing that will fulfill your seating needs AND make a style statement.